Farrier Services

Farrier Services
Promo code: Hoof Appreciation

Monday, October 17, 2011

Finnegan Guage

 A very proven tool for Medial- Lateral Balance  with Angulation
  today Danny Finnegan of Orangevalle Ca.  Demonstrates  his newest version of the Finnagan Guage Have to say Ive had some pleasing results in anew approach to balancing the hoof.  details and write up soon to follow  let me shre a couple of photos before and after

Monday, September 5, 2011

Pilot Hill Estates Client Reserve Wine

 Every month a  outstanding client recieves a Promotion of a bottle of Wine

Saturday, July 2, 2011

HoofWorks Logo SAE

 Logo for Steven Alan Elliott   SAE     A, as the frog of a horse, Outline as a hoof , Tshirts and hats available soon

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Simple way of tracing your horse's hoof

 Saving time by not going back to the rig to  size up a shoe or Hoof Boot

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Self Test Hoof Soreness Quick Tips

 This Observance is my daily bread, I'm not a horse physic, but an observer to making a horse sound and comfortable.
My Finding and Research to be brought forward into book format soon.  The findings are  interesting that horse soreness and lameness  to founder does not seems to be so much apparent on horse's of the dry desert hard ground Nevada, Arizona, Australia.  Environment and Nutrition  are important but then  Lack of domestic feeds and only of Natural range feeds seems to be the key. Famous Words " we kill them with Kindness".

 Seeing this study, a more Wet Environment seems to be the cause of more Hoof Soreness and problems.  Hoof Protection is a must  either a home made pad, Shoes , or Boots.  BAREFOOT IS  BARE 100%    and the weakest part on a Horse  through all the Evolution is its Feet.  I still cant figure out why we were created without clothes? Humor .....

 As I drive around the countryside  and backroads. to the Valley floor, I can Indentify a sore horse - lame horse by the way the horse is standing.

Here is your Quick self check tips you can observe yourself:
Indentify  your horse's  hoof  soreness  by knowing your horse each time you walk by your horse either to feed them or just a  slight defference out of your corner of your eye. Seems you'll notice a horse sound will have a nice  light spring -bounce to its walk

Short stepping, short stride,  point of one leg forward,  the Horse going around a path such as a road being barefoot and going to softer ground, so not acullay going the shortest distance  from A - B but the least amount of ground pain to the Animal.
 Horse;s seems to stand more, not so alert  not running to thier food, a very slow walk stance, a bit of dull eyes, short stiff walks .

  A lot of this you can see like I do by driving in your car and see this  in someone else's horse pasture.

  In depth hoof soreness testing can be done with pressing your thumbs onto the sole area surrounding and frog area to see response  or  Hoof testers, a Qualified  Farrier and or a qualified Vet. It would be a good idea while in the area to check for Heat  and any digital pulse  .  many signs of horse distress can be found by checking heart rate by symptom... I will post the basic check list

 but I'm not talking here Abcess Testing ,a Ridin hard horse,   im talking here bascially the amount of Barefoot Horses with not much riding and basic riding  .   We all should know that the frog must be stimulated  to provide a nice hoof and growth by heart rate ( exercise)  this helps mold the healthy foot of a Horse.  and how much each horse can compensate or the ability of.

My belief stands that Horseshoes really correct problems and prevent problems than  a horse barefoot  can  especially in founder cases and club foot and cracks .  The hoof flexs more than you think with and without shoes .Sorry if you disagree but come along a take a ride  I have  proven my facts along with some other top professionals
   more Self tips to come....  why its called @Opinion of the Hoof !