Farrier Services

Farrier Services
Promo code: Hoof Appreciation

Monday, November 9, 2009

DAY 40 Hoof Capsule Boot

 Day 40 I decided it was time to remove and change the bottom of the p3 Easy boot .  The screws being removed and what i found was (in image) was the goober glue was very hard to remove the clog otherwise it's an ease of renewing the Steward Clog. 
I decided to leave Shadow barefoot for 1 day to dry up the hooves a bit , but found out  that Shadow looked liked she could not walk to the next step  it looked and reminded me of myslef the feeling of coming out of a  Cast that supported a broken arm or leg , without that support you almost fall down as well as Shadow.
                         So the boot is obvious of it's great support to a horse's weak limb or for that matter its tenderness to the sole of any horse.
                                 So I placed back the renewed Boot ,This time no glue,  only wear was to the bottom. so just new cloggers..... Shadow is back moving around and in comfort  ore info on ordering 530-889-0635 Steve Elliott  Easy Care mobile dealer 916 217 2379

Monday, November 2, 2009

Alternative to hoof moisture problems

  Like most boots or anything enclosed on the sole of the hoof  even the Original Stewerd Clog  you'll come across a bit of moist hoof bottoms.  I used vettec gs  and hoof packing and it works well. for some reason i have'nt  figured it out yet but the left foot of Shadow  is more moist  than the right,  pretty much normal due to I leave this p3's on for 7-10 days. I come up with some local stuff called shaving or horse bedding   and placed that in the boots to absorb some moisture. 
I have a bit of a fiber board placed inside the boot , which I had several inserts I've made and use for other horse's  , comfort pad, wedge pads plastic, wood, vettec , goober glue  for extra padding and lift.
The bottom have no movement whatsoever for the past 30 days  i was going the change the Steward bottom wood clogs  but find I'm going to go a bit further, the wear is fantastic,  there is noshift of the boots  and I added goober glue( webtackusa) , just as a extra insurance, but may not be neccary The Easy Gloves  which were slighty used one's to begin with , have not wear at all and no tear at the giators

Day 30 Shadow's Relief Boots

 Day 30  Shadow is still maintaining great Spirt  and is standing Square.  Movement is pretty much the same  comfortable..... best for an older horse  if it was'nt for the bad leg  she'd still be able to ride