Farrier Services

Farrier Services
Promo code: Hoof Appreciation

Friday, October 2, 2009

New P3 Hoof Capsule Boot

News Flash: Steven A. Elliott of HoofWorks USA, is currently developing a new p3 hoof boot this boot will have the same characteristics as the Wooden Steward rocking horse shoe , defference of being attached to a removable take off boot i will have three versions of this new laminitis Chronic boot style with 2-3 defferent bottoms, and variety of sizes
Updated development and images soon to follow the goal is to comfort the horse and promote-accelerate blood flow.

In addition to a new Ice boot in the making the foundered foot will be soaked in sea salts at 20 minute intervals with the boot making it much easier to apply than traditional methods

For more info stayed tuned to this site Also visit Animal health foundation .com latest research by my friend. Dr. Don Walsh DVM that today told me he is spending a year in Austrailia with Dr. Pollic DVM.


  1. so, what's your take on taking a break from shoes for a month during the rainy season???

  2. I always believe in pulling the shoes for two months and do other things( besides given the hooves a rebuild and the horse a vacation) during the rainy season but then again i pull shoes during the winter holidays and get ready for the endurance ride season on JAN 1ST.,or 10th Unfortunely i place shoes on then and if it rains like cats and dogs and sometimes 8 weeks pass with in shoes and not being able to ride but i have rode in the cold months of JAN. I'm kinda a fair weater rider now
